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Beginning to understand something !!!

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day, while failure is simply a few errors in judgement, repeated every day. It is the cumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgements that leads us to either fortune or failure."
-Jim Rohn

Beginning to understand something !!!

Beginning to understand something !!!
That's enough to live without goals, without motive. We can not live in the past, not in the expectation that everything will be perfect. Let's not let life slip through our fingers. Life is not hocus-pocus !!! Take from life only what you think is best for you. Look to the future, live for yourself and not for other people! In life, you'll fall and get up. You will have many mistakes and bad experiences. It should slowly walk the paths of life, because the track is short. Do not strive for easy-to-shoot goals (will not be achieved overnight). Do not let happiness slip away from the hands !!! If you have not realized now you must to learn that from success and failure consisting life. From small success to greater life goal. 
The only thing you must to do is to start rotate the wheel, the wheel of life. Success will be waiting for you !!! You have to be persistent and trust yourself. You will succeed and find the meaning of life. Find happiness and live in the best way. Be proudly and with a smile on face every day is success and happiness. Do not let life's obstacles to slow down or stop. Admires all that is around you !!! I understand that I love this job. many ways to earning with nice and kind people, Thanks SFI for everything, thanks Gery for create this site!!!

Tea C.  
E365 Runner Up
Posts: 71 | Followers: 78 | Joined SFI: Dec 30, 2016
Liked by Michael Y.  Ali S.  John S.  Bori M.
Dear Tea, thank you for your post it motivate me.
Nelson B.  
United States
E365 Country Champion
Gold Fast-Track
Posts: 2,983 | Followers: 615 | Joined SFI: May 13, 2014
 must-read post
I agree with most of your post with the exception of following small goals.

I believe in small obtainable goals that keep you on a path towards a larger vision. If you have vision you can see both the done and the possible. With vision you can see beyond tomorrow, and are open to the next step beyond your current dreams. You can have a vision of being financially free and a longer term vision of being able to vacation at your Villa in Jamaica each Winter. A short term goal might be to make it to an extra $100 a month in commissions, or 3 active PSA, then 5 active PSA, 5 Designated Diamonds on your first line, a 5x5 filled etc..

All are possible but there are as you say many steps along the way but in relation to time we have as much time as we have on earth to accomplish these visionary accomplishments.

Andy Zeus Anderson

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