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Why people sign up and do not take advantage?

Kirsten R.  
E365 Champion

My days millionaire mind.

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Live on your dreams!What's your biggest dream?

 must-read post
Today I wrote my weekly email to my downline and thought I share it with all of you.

Dear XXX,

I hope you are having a great weekend.

Today I would like to share with you some thoughts on why people that signed up for SFI do not really take advantage of what is offered.

Imagine you want to be an entrepreneur and build up your own business down the street. You will need to have the knowledge to be able to perform the needed actions. Maybe some years of education or you buy books and magazines, be part of seminars etc. You will have to make a plan on what the shop should offer. Then you would have to rent the space, buy products or produce them yourself, you need to promote to find customers etc. This all will take time and money.

Will the first days be a success and shower you with money – most probably not! It will take persistence and tweaking until you will be able to create a stable income.

Imagine after setting it up and having invested time and money, you do not show up daily, you do not promote, you do not learn how to attract people and how to get eyes on your products. You will not look for people to work with you and all the burden is just on you.

How long you believe you will stay in business and be able to generate the income you need to not only pay the bills but have the earnings you want for yourself?

In SFI you have the opportunity that you do not need to pay for the education – training is free. You do not need to rent a space – the use of the business system is free. You do not need to buy products and stock them – TripleClicks does all of this for you. You do not even need a website – SFI provides all of this for you – for free.

All you need to HAVE is a device to be able to connect to the Internet, a working Internet connection and a working email address – and time. If you have some money that would be helpful but not mandatory.

All you have to DO is to study and learning how to promote and apply what you have learned. There are many ways you can promote for free. All these techniques you can find in the training and marketing sections.

What are the main reasons that people sign up in SFI and not making it a success for themselves?

- Not logging in every day and do the required work: If you have an offline job and do not show up, you will not be paid. As an entrepreneur, you have to work out a daily plan what to do and what you want to achieve. (Here comes in the SFO goal’s tab that helps you doing exactly this.)

- Not fully decided on this opportunity and constantly looking for something better: In the offline world, nobody will employ you if you do not stay long in a company you will become a casual worker. We are all familiar with all the shiny objects on the Internet and in the promotional emails we get that lure us into spending our money but do not really help us to create income.

- Not understanding the program: Not studying the offered material, not applying, not doing the daily actions and not being willing to really gain the understanding. I noticed for myself that doing the daily actions of turning the tabs green made me more familiar with the platform, taught me about the products – and had me have some fun in between by playing the games.

- Looking to get rich quick or are broke and need quick income: This definitely is a problem that no affiliate program can solve. To get out of that dilemma you will have to act two-fold by 1) ensuring the money you need with an offline job and 2) to build your dream at the same time.

So what can you do? Very important: Look at what you really want. Then make a decision, make a plan on how you will achieve it, shut off as many distractions as possible – and get to work!

It is your dream, your endeavor and you are the one being responsible for it.

One last thing: SFI is set up in a way that you will be able to find your mentor. If your Sponsor or Co-Sponsor is not available or cannot answer your questions, you can find somebody in your upline or you connect to somebody via a2a. You can even ask all your questions in the forum and the whole group will gladly support you with answers and directions where to find answers. BUT this all happens on YOUR initiative.

If you chose me as your mentor I will gladly support you.

I understand it is a bit lengthy but I hope it gives you some food for thought. If this just helps one person it was worth the effort.

I wish you a great Sunday and a successful upcoming week.


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What are the best, most productive marketing aids ?

 contains great tip
It really depends on where you are advertising. On my personal website I use a lot of the banners for SFI, ECA, and TC. My success there has been limited due to my traffic flow.

With Facebook, I do use some of the banners with various "fan" pages that I have set up. They are gaining in followers and I expect good results will follow.

My best results thus far have come from safelists, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other networking sites. With the safelists I use a combination of the longer text ads and a couple of shorter ones that really pay off, such as the "no bull" ad. I have used several of the banner ads on some advertising networks. I get the best results personally from the "grow a second income" banner ad.

Again, I want to stress this, that your results will vary greatly based on where you are advertising. So don't rely on what I've shared or what others will share to be the absolute truth. Start with these, sure, but be ready to rotate through your ads to see which ones get the best results.

The number one rule in advertising, in my opinion, is this: Always be testing!

PS - Don't forget to use hit tracking with key codes so you will know which ads get the best hits and which ones get end results as well (PSAs, ECAs, PRMs).

I hope this helps!

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